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5 Home Uses For Your Ultrasonic Cleaner

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5 Home Uses For Your Ultrasonic Cleaner

How many times have you tried to clean your glasses properly, and yet they never seem clean enough? Or you may have a piece of jewelry that you would like to wear more often, but it is old and full of gunk. If that’s you, you probably think you don’t clean well, but the truth is - regular, manual cleaning isn’t always enough.  

That’s where ultrasonic cleaners come into play - they can remove dirt from various household and personal items, cleaning even the otherwise unreachable parts. If you plan to buy one such cleaner for yourself, you probably have many questions. How do these cleaners work? What can you clean with them? Where to find them?

Keep reading this article, as it will answer all your questions. We will mostly focus on home uses of ultrasonic cleaner, but we will also share some other useful tips: 

5 Home Uses For Your Ultrasonic Cleaner

How Does An Ultrasonic Cleaner Work?

First things first: what is an ultrasonic cleaner? This is a device that contains a cleaning liquid and uses high-frequency sound waves to create microscopic bubbles in that liquid. The bubbles rapidly expand and collapse, causing tiny shock waves that remove the dirt particles as well as larger pieces of gunk.

Keep in mind that when we say “dirt,” we mean not only regular dirt but also oils, skin residue, dust, tiny fabric fibers, etc. Basically, anything that can get stuck in the crevices of the objects you are using. But what can you clean with an ultrasonic cleaner? Find out below:

5 Home Uses of Ultrasonic Cleaner

When asking yourself whether an object can be cleaned with an ultrasonic cleaner, always ask yourself: is it waterproof? This is the first thing you need to consider, as any object that you clean this way will be submerged in a cleaning liquid. 

1. Jewelry

We already mentioned jewelry and how it can be frustrating when you want to wear it but can’t if it is too dirty. An ultrasonic cleaner can help you with that. It will not only clean your jewelry from visible dirt but also make it shiny and sparkly again. Just place your rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and even piercings into the cleaner and watch the “magic” happen. 

However, keep in mind that you need to be careful which jewelry pieces you are cleaning this way. If you have some particularly fragile pieces, it would be better if you take them to the jeweler for cleaning. Also, avoid using an ultrasonic cleaner on jewelry with pearls, amber, opals, turquoise, and topaz stones. 

2. Eyeglasses/Sunglasses


Eyeglasses are among the most used personal items since many people can’t see without them. However, they can also get extremely dirty, making them useless and aesthetically unpleasing. Similar things happen to sunglasses, even though they aren’t as widely used as the regular eyeglasses. 

To solve this issue with your glasses, simply place them in your ultrasonic cleaner for a few minutes. However, before cleaning your glasses this way, especially the eyeglasses, consult your optometrist (or whoever sold you your glasses) to see if your glasses will withstand the cleaning process. Some eyeglasses might have thin layers of protective coating on the lenses, and you don’t want to remove that coating.

3. Silverware and Cutlery

Has your silverware and cutlery become tarnished? Would you like to use it when eating, but it looks unsanitary? Clean it in your ultrasonic cleaner. This will remove all the tarnish, dust, and food residue from even the smallest crevices and embellishments. Your silverware will be shiny, perfectly polished, and ready to be used again!  

Silverware and Cutlery

4. Makeup and Grooming Kits

If you use makeup, you certainly know how important it is to clean your makeup brushes and sponges. Otherwise, you could be transferring some nasty bacteria onto your skin. Alternatively, if you shave, you also need to clean the razors or other shaving tools that you use for the same reason - to avoid contaminating your skin with bacteria. 

Regardless of whether you use makeup or shave (or both), an ultrasonic cleaner will clean the tools that you use. Your skin will be safe from bacteria and other pathogens, your makeup brushes and sponges will work as new, and your razors will be sharp and free of soap/hair residue.

5. Small Tools

Are you more interested in DIY crafts and tools? Then, you know how tools can get dirty, grimy, and even rusty, which makes them unusable after a while. That’s why you should clean them in your ultrasonic cleaner. Of course, make sure that the tools that you plan to clean are small enough to fit inside the ultrasonic cleaner. 

Small Tools

Honorable Mentions

There are also several other potential home uses of ultrasonic cleaner:

  • Watches 
  • Dentures
  • Retainers
  • Mouthguards
  • Coins and similar collectibles
  • Ceramic decorations
  • Glass

There are also things that you shouldn’t put in an ultrasonic cleaner:

  • Electronics
  • Antiques
  • Wood
  • Porous objects
  • Soft and delicate gemstones and jewelry
  • Objects with painted surface

Where To Find Ultrasonic Cleaners

Nowadays, you can buy ultrasonic cleaners almost anywhere. However, you don’t want to buy any ultrasonic cleaner, the first one you see or the cheapest one. After all, you might be using it to clean some valuable objects. Instead, do your research and compare different options and brands.

We did some research for you, and that’s why we think you should check out this ultrasonic cleaner:

6L Ultrasonic Cleaner with Digital Timer & Heater

If you are looking for an ultrasonic cleaner that won’t miss even one dirt particle and will last you for years, then look no further than this one. With a total power of 180W and a heavy-duty stainless steel tank, this ultrasonic cleaner is both powerful and durable. It also allows you to set the cleaning temperature range and follow the cleaning process via a digital control panel with an LCD display. 


Now that you have learned so much about the home uses of ultrasonic cleaner, it is time to get yourself this useful device. You will be amazed by its cleaning powers, and you will feel tempted to clean your whole home this way! Enjoy sparkly jewelry, shiny silverware, and smudge-free eyeglasses!