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Why Does My Dog Scratch My Bed Sheets

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Why Does My Dog Scratch My Bed Sheets

If your dog lives with you in your home, your days are never boring. These funny yet loving and smart creatures are always up to something. However, that something can also include scratching, a habit that no dog owner likes. You might wonder, “Why does my dog scratch my bed sheets?”

There are several potential reasons for such behavior, but there are also several potential solutions. So, if your dog keeps scratching and you want to stop it once and for all, keep reading this article!

Why Does My Dog Scratch My Bed Sheets

Why Does My Dog Scratch My Bed Sheets - Potential Reasons

Every dog is different, which is why you need to assess its individual situation (housing conditions, health, etc.) in order to determine the reasons for its behavior. So, if you notice your dog digging bed and scratching your bed sheets, there are several potential reasons you should consider:

Trying To Get Comfy 

In the wild, dogs would often scratch the ground before laying on it. This way, they would remove rocks, leaves, and other debris from the ground, making it more comfortable to lay down. Your dog has no need to do this anymore, but its instincts can sometimes prevail. If that’s the case, your dog is scratching your bed sheets in an attempt to get as comfortable as possible before lying down.

Marking Territory

Did you know that dogs have scent glands in their paws? Occasionally, they will try to mark their territory by scratching on it and releasing the feromones from their paw glands. Maybe your dog is simply trying to mark its territory when scratching your bed sheets.  

Bored and Unstimulated

If you don’t play with your dog often enough, it will become bored and unstimulated. In that state, your dog will become more prone to various mischief and even destructive behavior. In some such cases, dogs start to scratch everything around them, including the bed sheets. 

Anxious and Stressed

Dogs can also become anxious and stressed. When people get stressed or anxious, some chew their nails, and others smoke cigarettes. Well, scratching the bed sheets might be your dog’s version of smoking cigarettes. 


Let’s be real: dogs are attention seekers. If your dog craves attention, it will try to get it one way or another. Even when you yell at your dog for being a bad boy/girl, it will be a mission accomplished because you are finally giving it much desired attention.

Medical Issues

Finally, sometimes your dog might be suffering from underlying medical conditions that cause it discomfort and force it to scratch the bed sheets and other surfaces. These medical conditions include allergies, skin infections, parasites, and other conditions.

Why Does My Dog Scratch My Bed Sheets - Potential Reasons

How To Stop Dog From Scratching Surfaces in Your Home?

Of course, it’s not enough to simply answer the question,” Why does my dog scratch my bed sheets.” You now need to figure out how to discourage and eliminate such behavior. Base your strategy on the reason behind your dog’s behavior. Keep in mind that these strategies are applicable to other types of problematic behavior, such as the dog scratching carpet, furniture, doors, and even walls.

Behavioral Approach

If your dog is simply trying to get comfy before lying down, you should maybe dedicate one area of your home to your dog’s sleep. Buy some comfy dog bed and show your dog that it can sleep there. Get some extra blankets that your dog can use to sleep on, and maybe even scratch them instead of your sheets.

If you have more dogs or other animals, ensure that each animal has its own sleeping area. This way, your dogs won’t feel the need to mark their territory by scratching your bed sheets. Furthermore, if scratching is simply your dog’s attempt to get your attention, don’t reward it. Ignore your dog when it scratches the sheets. 

However, give your dog attention, affection, and playtime when it behaves. That will keep it stimulated and entertained. Also, try to figure out if your dog has any reasons to be anxious or stressed. If the answer is positive, try to remove those stressors from your dog’s life.

Medical Approach

If you suspect that your dog is scratching the bed sheets due to underlying medical conditions, you should share your concerns with the vet. They will be able to confirm your suspicions and present you with diagnosis and treatment options. Don’t try to treat your dog on your own or wait for its medical conditions to go away.

You should also think of ways to improve your dog’s hygiene, especially when trimming its nails. Take a look at these products that could be a game-changer for grooming your dog:

Electric Dog Grooming Table with Adjustable Height

No matter how big or small your dog is, this grooming table will help you keep its hygiene at the highest level. With non-slip surfaces and a pedal for adjusting the height, this table will make grooming sessions so easy and convenient.

Professional Dog Washing Station for Home Dog Grooming

You can also take things one step further and buy this dog washing station. Here, you can bathe your dog just like a professional groomer would. Your dog will enjoy the washing and pampering, and it will be a great opportunity to bond.

Other Potentially Concerning Dog Behaviors

Apart from scratching your bed sheets, you should also look out for some other potentially worrisome behaviors:

  • dog rubbing face on floor
  • dog hiding under the bed
  • dog chewing and destroying things
  • excessive barking


So, now you have the answer to “why does my dog scratch my bed sheets.” Hopefully, this article has also helped you develop efficient strategies for stopping such behavior. Remember to take your individual circumstances when trying to understand your dog. Above all, don’t be afraid to look for professional help, starting from your local vet or even a dog therapist.